Berikut ini adalah penjelasan lengkap tentang bagaimana penggunaan Present Perfect Tense dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Baca Juga: Simple Present Tense
Use of Present perfect tense: (Penggunaan Penyajian sempurna)
1. Continuing in the present (Perlanjutan penyajian): When the action in the past are continuing in the present (Ketika tindakan sedang berlanjut pada penyajian)
She has worked at the store for 10 years. (Dia bekerja di toko selama 10 tahun.)
We have had the same car for a while. (Kami memiliki mobil yang sama untuk sementara.)
2. Time not finished (Waktu yang belum selesai): When the time period referred to has not yet finished (Ketika periode waktu teracu yang belum selesai)
It has snowed a lot this week. (Ini terlalu banyak salju pekan ini.)
I have worked hard today. (Aku bekerja keras hari ini.)
I haven't traveled this year. (Aku tidak pergi tahun ini.)
Baca Juga: Present Perfect Tense
3. Actions repeated (Tindakan terulang): Actions repeated in an unspecific period of time between the past and now. (Tindakan yang diulang dalam periode waktu tidak spesifik di antara masa lalu dan sekarang.)
She has seen that movie 3 times. (Dia sudah melihat film itu 3 kali.)
He has gone shopping many times. (Dia pergi berbelanja berkali-kali.)
4. Time is not important (Waktu tak penting): When the precise time of action is not known or not important (Ketika waktu tindakan persis tidak diketahui atau tidak penting)
Have you seen Jaws? (Apakah kamu melihat Jaws?)
I have been there. (Aku sudah di sana.)
Baca Juga: Present Continuous Tense
5. Actions just completed (Tindakan selesai): An action that was completed in the very recent past, expressed by ''just''. (Tindakan yang diselesaikan dalam masa lalu baru saja, diekspresikan dengan "hanya".)
I have just eaten. (Saya baru saja makan.)
She has just finished signing. (Dia baru selesai masuk.)
Baca Juga: Present Perfect Continuous Tense
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