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Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang menyatakan suatu aksi atau situasi imajinasi sedang berlangsung pada titik tertentu atau selama periode tertentu di masa lalu. Bentuk kata kerja ini digunakan pada Perfect Continuous Conditional Sentence.

Mirip dengan conditional sentence type 3 (v-3) ‘biasa’, namun berbeda di bagian ‘result’ karena tidak menggunakan Past Future Perfect tetapi mengunakan past future perfect continuous tense (if + past perfect, past future perfect continuous tense).
Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense dibentuk dengan auxiliary verb seperti would, have, been dan verb (-ing).

Pada umumnya Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense hanya terjadi pada aksi berupa dynamic verb, tidak stative verb karena pada umumnya hanya dynamic verb yang memiliki bentuk Continuous.

Rumus Contoh Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense
+ Subject + would + have + been + present participle (-ing)/v-ing
- Subject + would not + have + been + present participle (-ing)/v-ing
? Would + Subject + have + been + present participle (-ing)/v-ing


+ You would have been washing. (Anda akan mencuci)
- You would not have been washing. (Anda tidak akan mencuci)
? Would you have been washing?. (Apakah Anda sudah mencuci?)

+ They would have been working. (Mereka pasti sudah bekerja)
- They would not have been working. (Mereka tidak akan bekerja)
? Would they have been working? (Apakah mereka akan bekerja?)

Contoh Kalimat Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

- If her Visa had been approved, she would have been working abroad for a month. (Jika visa dia telah disetujui, dia akan telah bekerja selama sebulan.)
Fact : but her Visa wasn’t approved (tapi Visa-nya tidak disetujui)
- If they had set the tanks in a proper way, the water would have been flowing out of tank X into tank Y at a constant rate. (Jika mereka telah mengatur tank-tank tersebut dengan cara yan benar, air akan telah mengalir dari tangki X ke dalam tangki Y dengan laju konstan.)
Fact : but we didn’t set them in a proper way
- Clara and her family would have been living at their new house if its construction had finished. (Clara dan keluargaya akan telah menempati rumah baru mereka jika konstruksinya sudah selesai.)
Fact : but its construction didn’t finish (tapi konstruksinya tidak selesai)

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